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June 29, 2009


Dan Baum

Thank you for your generous read and review of "Nine Lives!" I really appreciate it. Readers who'd like to know more about it can visit www.danbaum.com.


LOVE the intro!


Hi Dan,
Imagine my surprise, and smile, to find your comment in the inbox. The best a reviewer can hope for is to reflect an author's intent and assess how successfully he/she achieved it - and do it accurately. I'm assuming that I got the details right in my review. Having been in New Orleans last summer and stood on Deslonde Street imagining the storm's fury and resident's fear, I could relate to what those precious Nine must have felt.

Don't know why it didn't occur to me to visit your website before writing my review but after whizzing through it, I'm reserving time to return to read more about the 'Nine' and especially to read the New Yorker pieces that yanked the rope on your reporter generator and ended up with you setting up your own krewe and doing justice to the underlying story.
Thanks for your email. If you ever add a page to your web site with reviews from the lowly blogosphere, feel free to add mine (shameless plug).
Best regards,

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