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January 15, 2010


Jeff Kelly Lowenstein

From big box stores to Pastel doe Choclo Ceriani! I love how the journey is unfolding.

Thanks for sharing it with us!


Tell Susan and Ricardo I just printed the recipe and its a keeper.

Carolyn Liesy

Susaan made this for us when we were there. Now, with the recipe I will try it here. It was fun to pick the corn, etc. and it is a great dish. Very Chilean. Thanks! Carolyn


Well, Jeff, Im sure the two weeks you spent traveling in Israel with your family supplied you with at least ONE recipe for home consumption!


Hey Paul - you World Traveler! Hope you're having a great time in Chile. Say hi to Susaan and her husband for me - and Happy New Year to you all!!

Just got back from the 2010 World Championships of Country Dancing in Nashville - our 4th World Championship competition together. Zoe danced great, finished 5th in her division which was her goal. The top 5 in each division get awards on the podium and their picture taken as a group. Last year Zoe finished 6th and cried all New Year's Eve. The competition gives all 5 of the top finishers a framed copy of the picture on the podium so we have that to hang up on the wall as well as her trophy for finishing 5th. Zoe and I danced together also in the Novice Hustle division, and we were the only couple in the division. So we either finished first or last depending on your point of view. Well, our point of view is that we finished first, so from now on you have to start all you conversations with Zoe and me as World Champions!

Hope you have a great time in Chile - and hope to see you soon when you return. You are returning some time aren't you?


Pastel de Choclo is one of my favorite dishes in the world. Let's make some when you get home! Too bad about Pinera's win at the polls. Where are you now?

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