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March 07, 2011


Ann Baker

Hi PT,

You are having a wonderful time. I can tell.

May Louise White

Wonderful story........first time I have ever heard about Mr. Kilchrist. Thanks for sharing.

Paul A. Tamburello, Jr aka pt at large

Thanks, May Louise
Look for Vic "Frenchie" Kilchrist on corner of Vermilion and Jefferson at next MGras, or Festival International de Louisiane. Tell him I said hello!
I am in Chile, at little farm in Nogales 120 km north of Santiago, internet service intermittent but consistent interesting days of witnessing life on a small farm growing a navel orange crop for export and corn, cantaloupe, honeydew, cauliflower, brocolli for local market. The cantaloupe we had for dessert yesterday came right from the field, the most fresh produce I ever ate!

Carole Blossom

Quite the roaster! Bet that one will go down as a priceless monument. Noticed that Frenchie loves to tell the tall tales but doesn't respond to your comments.
Cute. I know a man like him in Alabama....loves to talk but isn't much of a listener...but I don't care because his stories are so unique and whatever I
say pales in comparison....not that yours do. Have you ever consider competing with H. Housner? I love your stuff Ms. B.

Paul Tamburello

I guess the reason it sounds like he doesnt listen is that I ask him so msny questions.He's great fun to talk to. As I said, there arent many WWII vets left so I really prize being in "Frenchie"'s company.

Richard Jones

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing about Vic, or as he is called at my house, Grandpa. I am married to his youngest daughter Mary ( she financed the second roaster, " because you know your mam, she's going to b$&@?").

You would need to spend weeks with Vic to hear all his stories. He still comes up with new ones every once in a while that he just never bother to tell. A lot like my dad who was a vet of the European theatre. One day we were watching a show about one of the meetings between the allied powers and he blurts out "yeh, I met that guy", he was referring to FDR. Interesting story, but he will have to tell you.

Thanks again, your articles have meant a great deal to "Frenchie's" family.


Rich "the peanut in-law" Jones

Paul A. Tamburello, Jr. aka pt at large

Men like Frenchie and your dad are the salt of the earth. They're walking, talking history books, but very personal, the kind that puts history into the perspective of the men who lived it - it's powerful stuff.And we're lucky to have them still with us.

I just wrote a follow up to my first story you can find here


Thanks for writing, Richard. I'll be in Lafayette for Festival International de Louisiane and look forward to seeing Frenchie on the corner of Vermilion and Jefferson. Maybe you'll be there, too!

Carole Blossom

Second time around better than the 1st. That "Frenchie" is quite the guy and at 90 years
old almost as original as his peanut machine. I love it ! A lot of information here.....a history lesson most interesting. I sure hope I am in as good shape as "Frenchie" when I'm 90. But my stories would pale in comparison to "Frenchies" and I have no peanut machine.....so? Well, I could tell some stories about PT at Large and meeting him in Louisiana and all the wonderful stories he told. How about that?

Looking forward to hearing your stories from the Festival International de Louisiane next week. I was invited to attend, but need to save up for the trip to France in May. Maybe next year. I know you will have a great time in the hot town, baby :)

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