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January 30, 2012


Ann Baker

Okay, you've made me feel I must not miss this. I'll try for a ticket for this Thursday night. And let you know what I think.

Paul Tamburello

Great. I really look forward to your take on the play.

Lucia Sullivan

I saw this play about ten years ago with Judd Hirsch. The take-away I had was that the fight your having is never really the fight you're having. Everything is an emotional proxy. Their arguments weren't about the art but about their perceptions about their importance in each other's lives and each mans ability to act alone.

Paul Tamburello

Great insights, Lucia,
The play was written in 1994, I think it's aged well. I thought it was a clever angle to use modern art, a reliable subject to create discord, to dissect the nature of friendship, who we choose as friends, why we choose them, the tricky issue of power and control, the whole works.

The play must have made an impression on you, terrific recall!

Ann Baker

I saw both of these within 4 days. I really liked the play ART . A wonderful look at ego, being right,friendship, fear of closeness. And so well written and performed.

RED was a tour de force . Tom Derrah gave a great performance. It was ( for me) a look at what may happen to anyone who tries to hold on to the way things were/are . I understand how difficult it is to no longer BE what you have done . And how incredibly difficult it must be in a creative field to go through that process, especially if you denied those who came before you, as having any worth. Which is what Rothko did.

Paul A. Tamburello, Jr.

That said, sorry I didnt get RED before it closed.

I thought ART was the stronger of the two Yasmina Resa plays, although both had strong casts. ART was densely layered, gave much to think about afterward as you observe here. "God of Carnage" had alot of sound and fury but felt lighter, weighed less in the mind after the play was over.

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