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February 20, 2012


Debbi Smith

Paul, We are so happy that you enjoyed yourself! We love your blog.
We're already planning "Allons Manger et Danser Part III. Hope you mark your calendar and come pass a good time with us again :)

Paul A. Tamburello, Jr.

Count me in for next year, Debbi. Thanks for telling me how Horace and his wife Chantelle got behind your idea of keeping Cajun heritage alive, that both Horace and you both speak Cajun French, and that Horace offered to do a show at your store.
I learned about Horace when i visited KBON and talked with Phil Daigle and Todd Ortego. Here's a link to one of the stories.


Horace Trahan

Thanks for sharing! Awesome coverage of the event! Great job!

Thanks again,


Debbi Smith

NOTE this post was sent to me on February 28, 2012

Hello Paul,
Sorry it took me a little while to get back to you. I'm still trying to recouperate from King Cake season. lol
I am so glad that you came to our little party and more happy that you really enjoyed yourself. That is the whole purpose of us doing it, so that anyone can come, free of charge, and enjoy a little of what we have to offer here. This was our second year and we are already planning #3 with Horace for next year. Our goal is to make this an annual event for many years to come.
I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you might have for me. We can either email or talk by phone if you'd like.

To start, I'll answer your question as to why I chose Horace.
In the summer of 2010, I was putting together a contest/promotion for our Facebook page.I called it "Taste of Louisiana". I already had items from Troy Landry(Swamp People), Tabasco, Community Coffee and other local companies that had donated items for this. My goal was to focus on "Louisiana" owned companies, people and our culture. I had even had local artists & craftsman donate items to be given away.
Well, I wanted to include some of our local musicians, mainly Zydeco artists also. I sent out emails to most of our local Zydeco artists in this area. The first one to reply was Horace.(Only one other artist responded to my email and sent me 2 CD's.)
Not only did he respond, but he called me to inquire about what I was doing. We spoke for a while and he offered to send me 10 of his latest CD's(autographed) to include in my contest. He also said he would include one for me. I had always liked Horace's music, but hadn't heard his newest CD. Once, I received it(it was actually two days later I got them in the mail) I LOVED ALL OF THE SONGS! I emailed Horace & inquired about possibly selling his CD's in the shop. He & his wife, Chantelle came to the shop to bring the CD's and we just struck up a friendship from there. I love the fact that he speaks cajun french and as I do, try to keep our Cajun heritage alive. From then on, I have always promoted him & his music by word of mouth & on our Facebook page. Horace & his wife were the one's who offered me, if I wanted to put on a little concert in the shop, he would not charge me to come one day. Well, that's all it took...lol Me & his wife began planning, and before we knew it, we had shirts made, a stage set up and I wanted to make a King Cake big enough to feed at least 100 people.We decided to officially call it "Allons Manger et Danser" (Come Eat & Dance). It just all came together and was a success.
Well, I hope I didn't ramble on too much.lol
I really liked your blog about it! I plan on reading it again now that I have more time.
I have my grandkids over tonight, for the first night in about three weeks, it was a BUSY, BUSY King Cake season and I couldn't spend the time I usually spend with them, so this email might be a little short.
I look forward to future emails & conversations with you.
Do you follow us on Facebook? I have lots & lots of pics there of what we do.

Hope to hear from you soon :)

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