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August 03, 2012



Finally you went...across the street from my favorite bar in NO. If you haven't been to Mike's diner on Tremont St in Boston, do so. However I think they may have remodeled the place since I last went...to bad as it came close to the Clover.

Paul A. Tamburello, Jr. aka pt at large

I'll check Mike's when I get home but I'll tell ya, it has a way to go to beat the funky retro attitudinous neighborly vibe of The Clover. I love the place.


dude...with all the great food
in that town and you eat
bacon and eggs?

Paul A. Tamburello, Jr. aka pt at large

Well, "Vibe" was not on the menu but is just as good a reason to go for the bacon and eggs instead of something more fancy and regional, but it came with a huge pile of grits dimpled with a big hunk of butter, does that count?

Carole Blossom

Makes me wanna check out the place. I like the sign: "Be nice or leave". Were you nice? Food like that is the best....down home, no frills, bells or whistles...just good ole down home cookin'. Makes my mouth water. And the people who run the place sure know how to make folks feel welcome from what you say. I give it a thumbs up :)

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