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December 05, 2014


Katherine Burton Jones

It is a beautifully written review, moving as it captures so much. So glad you got to go and capture the essence for all of us. I truly felt like I was there except for seeing the set changes. What a stellar cast to bring together, I am sorry to have missed the performance in Boston.

Bambi Good

Paul, this is a most brilliant review of a brilliant production. I saw it with a friend last week (but it was the night Vanessa Williams was off. I was totally overcome by everyone and everything. My prediction: As you loved this play, you will dislike "O.P.C." I'm glad my friend and I ushered and didn't pay a penny to go!

Paul A. Tamburello, Jr. aka pt at large

Double thanks, Bambi. Happy to hear confirmation of what I thought was a fabulous production from someone who saw the play. I'm interested in seeing OPC, saw the original production of Vagina Monologues at Wilbur Theater ages ago, want to see where Ensler is now...BUT I will find the least expensive seat in the back row if I go!
Thanks for the alert!

Mary Seppi

Beautifully crafted writing, Paul!

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