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August 29, 2016


Rebecca Wilson

Southeast Louisiana around Baton Rouge was hit pretty bad. As an example, 90% of the homes in Denham Springs were flooded. You're right about it being underreported. I talked to a guy from Denham Springs last week and he seemed stunned that no one up here was paying attention.

Nona Bock

Without officially knowing, I knew you'd be volunteering there. It's who you are.

Bill Ives

Thanks for your service to our state. Cindy and I are in Greece now but when we return we will look to see how we can help. Many of our New Orleans friends are traveling west and north to help out.


Thanks for getting the word out about this, pt.

Mishy Lesser

Thanks for going to LA to help the people who have welcomed and loved you so much these past years. And thanks for writing this piece. Much appreciated.

Ann Baker

Nice reporting. I look forward to the next part of the story.

Kathy Jones

Your story is so beautifully done and heartfelt. You know how insprired I am that you gave a week of time to this effort. Every hour you spent was an hour of love for the people and the area. Even though I could only make a remote donation ($$$) to the effort, you were there and I am grateful for what you did. I know they are grateful as well.

Chris Trahan

You'll find this interesting, being a writer. Jefferson Hennessy, Jr coined the name "Cajun Navy" in an article that he wrote for Acadiana Profile after hurricane Katrina. Jeff died on Aug 20, 2016 of a heart attack. I'm friends with one of his sisters.

Here's a link to an article that he posted on his blogspot. I don't know if this is the original article as published in the magazine or not. I think it may be.


Thanks for coming to help. I know it was greatly appreciated.

Susan Bennett

Paul- I was wondering if you were there. That's really wonderful. It must have been hard work but also rewarding. Do they need donations?

Paul A. Tamburello, Jr. aka pt at large

Thanks for sending that powerful account of the origins of the Cajun Navy. Reading that link reinforces everything I've come to know about the unique kinds of people living in southwest Louisiana. When help is needed, they show up with resources,ingenuity, determination, and heart.

That Cajun Navy and other unnamed boaters were back in action right after the Flood of 2016 as were countless volunteers doing whatever was necessary to help friends and total strangers, first get to them to safety and then to help them gut their houses as a first step to life after the flood. That's just the way they're wired.

I guess some of that Cajun/Creole spirit has rubbed off on me. And finding the Our Savior Church volunteer effort paved the way for me to do it.

Allyson Mayeux

Thanks for sharing. This event was virtually ignored by most media. My sister and others have been displaced, homes gutted, cars lost. Her husband leads recovery efforts at St. Thomas More in BR. That neighborhood was particularly effected.

Thank God for only material loss, but we remember those who did lose loved ones!


Loved this story. So grateful to have run into you yesterday. I'd love to meet up for lunch and hear more about this, where you stayed at night, what you ate, and all that. Never thought about the mold. How you doing with that? Any ramifications?

Paul A. Tamburello, Jr. aka pt at large

Susan, based on my direct experience, I recommend sending a contribution to Our Savior's Church. Go to http://www.oursaviorschurch.com and see the "Donate to Flood Relief" tab on the home page and check out the video on home page (and the three with Pastor Jacob Aranza that appear after the his video on home page completes).
Their outreach and organization that helps hundreds of people is outstanding and is distributed regardless of religious affiliation.

Joe Maglitta

PT, thank you for reporting, beautifully done as always, combined with your good heart and work. It's is a unique combo for which we are grateful...

Carolyn Liesy

Good for you, very impressive of you to go and help. And thank you for this update. I did pay attention but this summary is very good.

Cathleen Cavanaugh

HI Paul,
Thank you for the story behind the story. As you said, this has certainly been under reported. The incredible loss, and the disastrous mold, are wrenching. Please let us know where any funds and supplies can be sent.

May Louise White

Paul, I so admire that you came down here and helped out the way you did. Looking forward to your next post.

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