« Dispatches from Chile: Massive Fires Ravage Southern Chile Part2 | Main | Dispatches from Chile: Urban Sprawl in Nogales VIDEO »

January 31, 2017


Jeffrey P Piccoli

Progress affords opportunity and upward economic mobility for the citizens. It also affords corruption. What is important during this growth is for the elected officials to place the interest of their representatives
above their own and to manage the growth in a responsible way.

Paul A. Tamburello, Jr. aka pt at large

I agree, Jeff,
as in the USA, it's important that the development benefit the people it's intended to and not line pockets of politicians and developers.

David Connor

Good stuff, Paulito.

Rita Towsner

Always interesting to read your dispatches, Paul.

I taught in Santiago for nine months in 2012 and for six months in 2014. I had the chance to do some traveling around the country and know what some of the agricultural areas look like. One of my students, an executive at the Chilean national television station, was a weekend avocado farmer. Yesterday I bought blueberries from Chile in my neighborhood Whole Foods market.

Santiago was booming with cranes all across the horizon. I guess the boom is spreading out.

I was also interested to hear more details about the fires. I spent some pleasant times in Cajon de Maipo. I can’t help wondering about how extensive the destruction is.

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