April 24, 2020
To: <[email protected]>
In Boston (Watertown to be precise), loving listening to Jazzfesting In Place, brilliant gift to music lovers worldwide. If there was ever a time I needed it, this is the time, a respite from important news I need to know but… I need music to balance frame of mind and remind me of the palliative pleasure of listening to music in times when i can’t leave the house in the time of stay at home mandate, let alone listen to it and support it in live performances..or to go out dancing. As much as I dearly miss all this I value my life and the lives of those I walk by even more.
Sooo, i hope you can answer this question.
Listening to a Patricia Boutté backed by Paul Longstreth funky rolling classic New Orleans take on a traditional song as I write this and I am boogying along in my chair in front of my desktop.
QUESTION what was the title of this song Patricia sang just before her “Bourbon Street Parade”?
Many many thanks from a grateful listener
Paul A. Tamburello, Jr.
have visited New Orleans and SW Louisiana for years, one muddy weekend at Jazz Fest as well.
Just contributed to WWOZ at Saxophone level $100. I am right on key with y’all:)
April 25, 2020
Paul - thanks for reaching out! And for your very generous support. It's because of music lovers like you that we can keep doing what we do!
The Tricia Boutte cover song you're looking for was "Dreamland," originally a classic 1966 reggae track by Bunny Wailer, but now given a New Orleans feel. Her version of the track is on a CD called "Oh New Orleans Here I Come." It was a great set, wasn't it?
I hope you can keep listening, and that you stay safe
Dave A
Dave Ankers
Director of Content
April 25, 2020
Hey Dave!
Thanks for your reply, another reason to love WWOZ.
There are no known counterparts anywhere in the world to New Orleans music, food, people, and radio stations. Anyone with a beating heart will tell you that after a visit to New Orleans where you keep your eyes and ears open, talk to folks on the street cars, get used to being called “Baby” by women and men who you’ve known all of ten seconds, smell the food, and feel a vibe that hums just at the bottom threshold of hearing and resonates in your heart like a tuning fork every time i visit. My Lafayette friends took me to the Krewe du Vieux parade into Frenchmen Street in 2019. I still have an Abita Beer bottlecap with image of Brett Kavanaugh inside w caption “I still like beer.” You get the picture.
I tuned in during Tricia Boutées set.
"Hey Siri, What’s the name of this song, I asked.She was stumped. I suppose i shoulda known better than to ask.
Trust me, after watching a few hours of news, I am so ready to tune in to Jazzfest in Place, a brilliant idea. You rose from the debris to stage Mardi Gras in 2005. You figured out a way to gift it to the world this week during the time of the virus.
It appears that you all dove into the archives of thousands of performances and cherry picked the ones that would give us the medicine we need in the time of the virus. What a mammoth undertaking. In truth, you could probably thrown darts at the list and come up with winners because the depth of New Orleans talent is deeper than Stellwagon Bank off the shores of Boston. And bravo that you pick New Orleans musicians and singers not headliners from ‘out of town’. I’m throwing a bouquet to Boutée and Thomas and Cleary and Barker and Ball and Richard and the Nevilles, each and every one will make my stay in place at home life richer not to mention give me a workout. You ever see a man second lining around his kitchen table? No? Well, you ain’t been lookin at me. Parasol and all, baby.
It is a pleasure to support a station so tuned in to the psyches of of New Orleans and New Orleanians at heart.
Thanks again, Dave. I’ll be listening. Next to a face mask and washing my hands, this is the best way to stay safe, sound, and find joy at the same time. No small accomplishment.
2010 - my first Jazz Fest. I haven’t been the same man since.
Thanks again, Dave
Onward…with a beat!
Paul A. Tamburello, Jr.