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January 07, 2022



Wonderful reminisce. So vivid. I can imagine what reliving that experience is like for you.

Paul A. Tamburello, Jr.

Once the memory resurfaced, the story wrote itself, an incoming tide of memories leaving these vignettes on the shore. I loved tapping into it…felt so uplifting to live in those moments, so innocent, so rich, so uncomplicated.
I feel other stories knocking at my door, asking to be brought from the shade of an idyllic period of my life into words that consecrate it today.

David Connor

So moving and a remembering. Great writing.

Susan McCulloch Bennett

What a wonderful memory Paul. Well done!
I’m glad you are reviving the childhood memories and sharing them.

Joanne Yeomans

Thanks for sharing this delightful memory, Paul. As much as I like your rendezvous with the parrot, I mainly enjoyed your description of the relationship between you and Sammy. I can just picture you in that safety patrol outfit (which was probably just a vest/sash over your school clothes!!) and playing marbles in the dirt! Happy New Year to you and stay safe!! Joanne

CC Raymond

Earl Persip III is
Director Of Facilities at The Mount, Edith Wharton's
I am on the board of The Mount, and know Earl. He is one terrific chap,
and has a _____? month old baby. His uncle was one of the best barbeque chefs in the Berkshires. I remember that we called him Mr. Persip and he came to our cottage every summer to run the Doctors' Picnic. I was probably 5 years old when I met him.

Didn't know some part of the family lived near you.

Ahh, no coincidences.

Didn't know that a Persip was also part of your life

love with hugs


Paul Sinopoli

Great memory of your neighbor Mr. Persip Paul. I can totally see you as a young safety patrol officer too.


Paul A. Tamburello, Jr.

Pretty close, Joanne, a white over the shoulder sash with a silver badge around the waist to buckle it!

Paul A. Tamburello, Jr.

A wonderful six degrees of separation story...Mr. Persip being the chef of choice that your doctor dad hired for his annual cookout at your lakeside summer cottage. And yes, the back of Mr. Persip's property on Pomeroy Avenue was adjacent to Sammy Colt's house on Coltland Drive

Susan Sullivan

Lovely story Paul. We need to follow this gentlemans example. xo

Paul A. Tamburello, Jr.

Thank you, Prez,
It’s one of the most detailed autobiographical stories I’ve written, given how rich the experience was, it won’t be the last.

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