November 26, 2022
Ceremonial rides To Honor ALS Patients
One way or another since 2004, Myke Farricker and I have created a commemorative event to honor ALS patients past and present.
Myke is co-owner of The Longfellow Club in Wayland, MA, the staging area for the first rides when the Positive Spin for ALS became a group event and Ride To Defeat ALS, The rides have raised over 3 million dollars for the ALS cause.
The first were short ceremonial bike rides in Wayland in 2002 the day after the "Positive Spin for ALS", later renamed "Ride To Defeat ALS", was completed.
In years after that, we strapped our bikes onto Myke's Prius, drove to Truro, MA, parked at a motel at the crest of Route 6 with a magnificent view of Provincetown, and pedaled about 9 miles to First Landing Park and the jetty at the very end of US Route 6A.
As in years past, we met with Susan Lyman whose husband Doug, a beloved EMT and volunteer fireman, died of the disease. We walk onto the jetty, the tangy smell of the salt marshes nearby, and in a moment of silence, honor the patients Myke and I have raised money for. For Myke, it’s personal. His brother Pete, known as Wheels" by his team mates, was a member of the Rude Boys 1982 UPA U.S. National Championship team, lost his life to ALS in 2001.
The tradition continues to cement a bond between me, Myke, and Susan. The challenge of finding a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, first diagnosed in 1869, continues. So will the Ride To Defeat ALS.
Myke and I are proud that the “Positive Spin for ALS” is the template for seven "Ride to Defeat ALS" rides now sponsored by ALS Association chapters around the country. They’re currently held in California, Illinois, Florida, Michigan, Oregon, Washington, and Massachusetts.
Historic marker at First Landing Park at the very end of U.S. Route 6 A..behind the marker is.the jetty where we take moments to honor the men and women who contributed or whose names were sent with contributions to the Positive Spin for ALS then the Ride to Defeat ALS
Myke had the shirts and caps made for our ceremonial ride in 2008. Myke's brother Pete "Wheels" Farricker was on the world championship Frisbee team, The Rude Boys, in 1982.
Every year we walk onto the jetty...moments of silence for every patient whose names were sent with contriburtions or who contributed themselves.
Mission accomplished November 26, 2022...
The MA Chapter ALS Association added this paving stone in my honor in 2002.
Myke, Susan and Paul at the paving stone honoring the rides made by Myke, Paul, and Sam Trumbo from the staging area about nine miles away in Truro, MA.
Susan Lyman has greeted us at every ceremonial ride...
November 26, 2022
Susan and her husband Ken Stebbins
Sam Trumbo made the ceremonial ride from the Salt Pond Visitor Center in Eastham to First Landing Park with Myke and me in 2007
History...we keep on truckin' for the cause,
More history...
2010 MA Chapter announement of 2010 Positive Spin for ALS
The event took place on Sunday, June 13, 2010 at the Longfellow Club in Wayland. Now in its 16th year, the Positive Spin is The ALS Association Massachusetts Chapter's longest running event. It began with just one rider - Paul Tamburello - and has since grown to include several hundred people riding in support of the fight against ALS. The Spin offers a challenge for riders of all skill levels. Whether you ride individually or as part of a team, it is an incredible day for all who participate!